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Home > Company Profile> Greetings

Success and Innovation Partner

We sincerely appreciate your visit to Dinett.
Dinett has been run in accordance with the following principles since its inception in 1999.

- Worship of Heaven and Love of Humans (Ì×ô¸äñìÑ): We are a corporation serving God, and practicing love towards human beings based on universal truth.

- Credibility and Honesty: We are a corporation trying to create an honest society while cherishing the values of trust and faithfulness among clients, staff, shareholders, and partner companies.
- Challenge the Highest Goal: We are a corporation that challenges to be the best in the area pursued.
Furthermore, Dinett will execute the following missions:

- Constitution of international hub through E-Business
- Development of core products that will lead the next generation
- Creation of sound culture for youth On- and Off-Line
- Fostering of the talents of the next generation through the operation of the Business Leadership center

Dinett promises to strive ceaselessly to become a real partner and provide clients future success and innovation.

Thank you