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Success and Innovation Partner

2005. 04 Completed the CEO course in the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies WASEDA University.
2005. 03 Partnered with the Kyeonggi Small & Medium Business Center on education and consulting.
2005. 01 Opened a liaison office in Tokyo, Japan.
2005.01 Established a technology annex R&D center (Korea Industrial Technology Association. No. 20051096)

2004. 08-12 Performed the development of HMC and consulting of product design project. (delivered to Hyundai Motors)
2004. 08 Performed development and consulting on Taihan Solution Hyundai Motors.
2004. 08 Performed CAD/CAM education and consulting at Cheonahn National Technical College.
2004. 07 Opened a liaison office in Moscow, Russia.
2004. 06 Opened a liaison office in Cardiff, UK.
2004. 04 Opened a liaison office in Yiwu, Beijing, China.
2004. 02 ? 05 Completed development and consulting of new products of LG Industrial Systems.
2004. 01 Opened a liaison office in Shimchun, China.

2003. 11 Support consulting on the development of 3D new product of LG Industrial Systems, and designed and provided technical support for 3D of DNS Korea.
2003. 12 Produced ¡°OnExpo China Website¡± of the Korea Database Promotion Center.
2003. 09 Planned 3D and offered technical support to LG Industrial Systems
2003. 03-11 Cooperated with the Korea Technology Education College on 3D, and offered design education support
2003. 08 Constituted a website in English for the Ministry of Finance and Economy
2003. 06 Made English DB on industrial complexes nationwide with Samsung SDS and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy
2003. 04 ? 05 Constituted a web site for the Incheon Marine Office in Chinese, Japanese, and English

2002. 12 Offered 3D design and technical support to Myungji University and DNS Korea
2002. 11 Opened liaison offices in Paris, France and Rome, Italy
2002. 10 Offered 3D design and technical support to World Telecom
2002. 10 Opened a liaison office in Amsterdam, Netherlands
2002. 09 Offered 3D design and technical support for LG Industrial Systems and Joosung College in Chungju
2002. 05 PTC Korea became an official consulting partner (http://www.ptc.com/korea/)
2002. 02 Offered web consulting for Mirage Cosmetics Inc (located in Maryland, USA)
2002. 01 Penetrated the US agency business

2001. 11 Constituted a website for the Korea Railroad
2001. 05 Opened liaison offices in Maryland and LA, USA
2001. 01 Opened a liaison office in Harbin, China

2000. 06 Opened a liaison office in the Czech Republic
2000. 05 Awarded the prize of the Minister of the Ministry of Information and Commerce (Selected as the best website by IQ Bank)
2000. 05 Opened a liaison office in the Czech Republic
2000. 03 Opened liaison offices in Stuttgart and Frankfurt in Germany
2000. 01 Opened a liaison office in Israel.

1999. 11 Dinett established